The Symbolism of Victorian Funerary Art
Undercliffe Cemetery was opened in 1854 and was known as the garden of sleep. The head gardeners gatehouse was known as the Gateway to Heaven.
If you walk around the cemetery you will be able to observe many different symbols on the monuments. The information here will help you understand their hidden meanings.

direct the living visitor to think heavenward.

Full column = The person has led a full life. With an anchor an early Christian symbol of hope and at rest.

Original drawing seen with
the hymn Rock of Ages.

between Heaven and Earth. The Celts believe in the power of earth, wind, fire
and water. The circle means eternity
and is often found on Celtic crosses

symbol of life and health.

Two Angels, Saints of the Catholic Church, Michael who bears a sword and Gabriel who toots a horn. Angel shown without an object belongs to the nameless legions of personal guardians. All seeing eye of God. An eye surrounded by rays of light or glory enriched by a triangle. It represents the Eye of God watching over humanity or divine providence.

The months are represented by a number
because the names are believed to by pagan.

indicates new life and undying remembrance.

separating the living from the dead.
The return of the body back to ashes, and dust, leading to the souls rebirth in the
next realm.

The name derived from the Assyrian word Karibu meaning one who intercedes.
Often found on the grave of children.

Messenger of God carrying souls to heaven.

resurrection. Power of God and guard
the lamb against evil. If winged Mark the evangelist

Grief, death and earthly sorrow.
The symbolic tree of human sadness.
Nature’s lament. (Carried at
Masonic funerals)

tears turned to Lily of the Valley as they hit the ground. Purity also an apple represents the sins of Eve.

adapted by Christians, and made into a five pointed star to represent
the five wounds Christ suffered on the cross.

Angel with a trumpet – Victory and resurrection. Symbolising judgement day.

Palette and brushes, the artists accolade.

symbolising either hope of reunification in the
next life, or farewell, see you soon.

sacrifice. Sword, Symbolising justice,
consistency and fortitude, martyrdom, courage, and warfare.

and solitude, because they
can be found in remote places.

patron saint of musicians. Symbolic of worship in heaven.

A broken chain means loss
of a family member.

Palm – Symbolises the triumph of life over death through resurrection, martydom, peace and the reward of the righteous.

knowledge, can represent
the story of a persons life.

Appears in different forms.
Serpent, ancient Egyptian
symbol for life and health.

Rock – St Peter rock on which Christ built his church. Steadfastness of Christ’s stability.

harvest Sickle, as shown here, death as the last harvest. Symbolic of cutting down a
plant or person in the prime of life.

wisdom, and they guard the

Represents a life extinguished. Death and
mourning. A lit torch signifies eternal
life. A symbol of immortality, zeal, enlightenment. An upright life, the scholastic world and the betrayal of